What is a Five Star Rating and why is it important? The center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created the Five-Star Quality Rating System to help consumers, their families, and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and to help identify areas about which they may want to ask questions. The Nursing Home rating features a quality rating system that gives each nursing home a rating of between 1 and 5 stars. Nursing homes with 5 stars are considered to have much above average quality and nursing homes with 1 star are considered to have quality much below average. There is one Overall 5-star rating for each nursing home, and a separate rating for each of the following three sources of information: Health Inspections, Staffing, and Quality Measures (QMs). More than 12 million assessments of the conditions of nursing home residents are used in the Five-Star rating system. Nursing homes vary in the quality of care and services they provide to their residents. Reviewing health inspection results, staffing data, and quality measure data are 3 important ways to measure nursing home quality. This information gives a “snap shot” of the care individual nursing homes provide. You can find more information at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/CertificationandComplianc/FSQRS.html.

We are overjoyed to have the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services recognize the work that we are doing and daily, we strive for excellence in care! The best is yet to come!