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The Hall Of Fame is an innovative Quality of Life Program developed by Signature HealthCARE designed to honor the lives and accomplishments of our patients, stakeholders, volunteers, and others who have had such an impact on our centers, communities, and nation.

On October 9, 2014, 87 Signature HealthCARE centers across the southeast and midwest will induct over 350 distinguished individuals into the Hall of Fame, in local ceremonies featuring celebrity speakers and presentations about the inductees lives and accomplishments.

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Mrs. Cora will be only spending a short time with us at Signature Healthcare of Marietta for physical and occupational therapy.

Her family bought wonderful accents to make her room comfortable and cozy with her taste in mind. What a great expression of love! We welcome families to bring pictures, pillows and flowers.

A special day at Smith Gilbert Gardens. Thanks to Second Wind Dreams a resident of Signature Healthcare of Marietta was able to spend time planting flowers, bird watching and gardening.

The Second Wind Dreams organization provides dreams for nursing home residents to enjoy something they used to love doing or something they wish they could do again.

Since 1997, SWD has become involved in more than 400 eldercare communities in 40 states, and Canada. Weaving thousands of dreams from the simple to the sublime.

The mission of Second Wind Dreams® (SWD) is simple — to change the perception of aging through the fulfillment of dreams and the offering of innovative educational opportunities to caregivers and communities.

Mr. Newell admitted to SHC of Marietta with severe osteoarthritis and knee pain. When he first arrived he could barely stand without severe pain. After several weeks of consistent physical and occupational therapy, Mr. Newell was able to ambulate with minimal assistance using his rolling walker. During my interview with Mr. Newell, he expressed that he was 90 years old and had lived a long life. I could tell by the glare in his eyes that he had a testimony to share. He went on to explain how being here was a rotten situation but how he couldn’t have chosen a better place to do therapy.

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Signature Healthcare of Marietta’s 2014 Skills Fair provides education & skills training for stakeholders. The therapy department provides hands on training, educational materials and skills assessments in following categories:

-Range of Motion
-Splints, Slings and Braces
-Diet Modification & Thickened Liquids
-Swallowing Precautions
-Weight Bearing Status

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Many older adults and the elderly will experience depression at some point in their life. While depression and sadness might seem to go hand and hand, many depressed seniors claim not to feel sad at all. They will often complain, instead, of low motivation, a lack of energy and physical problems. At SHC of Marietta we understand the causes and the risk factors that contribute to depression in older adults, such as health problems, loneliness and isolation, a reduced sense of purpose and fears.

When Mr. Moss was admitted to SHC of Marietta, he had multiple co-morbidities impacting his treatment. After a careful assessment, we realized that Mr. Moss was also exhibiting signs of depression. Our clinical team rallied together to create a care plan that would help Mr. Moss increase strength and functional mobility, therefore eliminating fear and anxiety.

Mr. Moss has overcome many obstacles on his road to recovery but with the help of his loving wife and the Signature HealthCARE team, he is now capable of returning home. Depression is not an inevitable part of aging; with the proper support, all that seemed lost, can be found.

– Tiffany Banks-Wade

Therapy Success Story of the Week

Mr. Brian Mott transitioned to Signature’s HealthCARE of Marietta’s ExceleratedCare Center after suffering from a stroke.

Mr. Mott lived independently before his stroke and was not prepared for the several weeks he would need to endure during his hospital recovery. Once Mr. Mott was stable, he faced his next dilemma. The stroke caused right side hemiparesis – weakness on one side of the body – and cognitive impairments.

When he transitioned to ExceleratedCare for rehab, he expressed to the therapist, “I just want to be able to walk and go home.” Mr. Mott has since completed his therapy and needs no assistance with transfers, dressing, grooming or walking.

“This has been a learning experience,” he said. “I could not walk prior to coming to Signature HealthCARE of Marietta. I have improved significantly. It must be God’s will…my therapists at Signature are second to none!”

– Tiffany Banks-Wade